Events at Victory Church
July 4th at Victory
We are so grateful to live in a country that values freedom, and this year is especially exciting as we get to enjoy the 4th of July together, in church.
Make sure you are at a Victory Campus Sunday morning, July 4th, as we take time to celebrate the freedom we have as Christian Americans.
Through music, special moments, and an inspiring message, we'll honor the sacrifices made in the past, recognize what's happening in our world today, and seek to understand the future God has in mind for America, and for His Church.
This will be a unique morning for all ages and will also be a great time to invite a friend to be in church with you. So call someone and invite them to spend July 4th in church with you!
Service Times:
North Lakeland Campus - 9 & 10:45 AM
South Lakeland Campus - 9:30 & 11 AM
All services are also live streamed at victorylakeland.org/live