Events at Victory Church
Sportsmen's Clay Shoot & BBQ
On Saturday, January 21, the Victory Sportsmen's group invites you to shoot clay and enjoy a delicious lunch at the Tenoroc Shooting Center in Lakeland.
The day will begin at 8:30 AM and will end with lunch at noon.
The cost is just $75 and includes 50 shells and clay birds, door prizes, staff instruction, and lunch.
To pay online:
After completing one form for each person attending, you will be redirected to pay for each registration.
After you are sent to the payment site:
- Login, or choose "Give as a Guest"
- Select the event from the funds menu.
For more information, stop by the Information Center at the North Campus, or the Guest Central tent at the South Campus on Sunday.
Saturday, January 21, 2023
8:30am - 12:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
Tenoroc Shooting Center
3755 Tenoroc Mine Rd, Lakeland, FL