Classes & Support Groups
Victory offers a wide range of Classes and Support Groups covering practical life issues and spiritual growth. Classes meet on Sundays, Wednesdays, and throughout the week, at our North Lakeland Campus, providing opportunities to build community, pray, serve, and fellowship.

Register for an on-campus class.
Register for a support group.
Classes & Support Groups are held at Victory's North Lakeland Campus throughout the week.
Scroll through the class list below and if you need any help along the way, please contact the Small Groups Team at 863-859-6000 or click here to send us an email.
Winter Classes
January 8 - April 2, 2025
Wednesday Electives @ 6:30 PM
Family Room | Dr. Michael Burroughs
The Bible is full of covenants between God and mankind, from the first covenant with Adam to the final Eternal Covenant yet to come. But each covenant also had specific expectations. When those expectations were not met, grace was extended. This class will explore the biblical covenants and how grace played a part from the beginning to the present and in the covenant to come.
Mezzanine 1 | Brooke Dell (women only)
Are you looking to strengthen not only your soul but your body as well? Are you looking for fellowship that involves moving and sweating a bit? This fitness class will merge three fitness segments: Cardio movement, strength training, and core/stretching. This class is designed for all fitness levels, whether you are just starting or need a kickstart. We are here to encourage one and all! (Class holds 20 individuals)
Mezzanine 2 | Craig Butler and teaching team, Study Guide $15
Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer invites readers into a transformative journey of spiritual formation, offering practical steps to cultivate the rhythms of Jesus' life in our modern world. Through insightful teaching and real-world applications, Comer explores the practices—such as prayer, Sabbath, and community—that shape us into the people God intended. This book challenges contemporary life's hurried, distracted pace, encouraging readers to slow down and embrace a deeper, more intentional relationship with God. Whether you're new to spiritual disciplines or looking to renew your practice, Practicing the Way is a roadmap to living a more vibrant, meaningful life in the presence of God.
Midweek Moms
Mezzanine 8 | Ashley Wilkinson, Kellie Donaway, Emily Wilson
Moms, we see you! We all share common struggles, and each season of motherhood holds new opportunities and challenges. We want to embrace moms in every season of momming, to make real connections and friendships while growing in their relationship with God in a safe and supportive environment. There is joy and victory in surrendering our struggles to Jesus and asking Him for the power to keep going!
(The perfect community for imperfect couples.)
Prayer Room | Trevor and Karen Booker
Every marriage is unique, expressed by the colorful personalities of each spouse and textured by the circumstances at play in their lives. Blending these to make marriage work is a divinely inspired art form – challenging to master, but worth the effort. This class includes weekly group discussion prompts, date night ideas, and questions and discussion topics so you can learn from your peers’ experiences while figuring out what works for your relationship.
Portable 28 | Carolina Suarez
Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey. But it doesn't need to be. God has a purpose and a plan for all those entrepreneurial dreams and creative gifts He gave you. You are not alone in this journey. Join other faith-driven entrepreneurs as, together, we:
- Identify the values, habits, and traits that empower us to successfully build businesses, serve our communities, and faithfully pursue a loving relationship with God.
- Read stories that exemplify how those values, habits, and traits unfold in everyday life.
- Discover the potential God wants to unleash through our work.
Portable 31 | Dustin and Lauren Christophel
Take control of your money with Financial Peace University (FPU)! This nine-lesson course uses biblical wisdom, and common sense, to help you tackle budgeting, pay off debt, and make your money work for you! The cost of Financial Peace University is $99. Please sign up at the table in the lobby!
Family Life Center Room 116 | Men’s Leadership Team
In HONORBOUND, you will find fellowship, new friends, support, and encouragement. Please join us as we start a new study called, “Be a Godly Man” by Joby Martin. God has designed men to be protectors, providers, and defenders. When men act like “Godly Men” everyone flourishes. Also, each week you will find men you can rely on for godly counsel who have experienced the complex challenges you may be going through and a group of men who will pray with you.
Portable 26 | Jim and Dorene Royal, Study Guide $20
If you, or someone you know, have experienced separation or divorce, this class can bring hope, give you the tools to move on, and let you know that you are not alone. The course deals with anger, depression, forgiveness, and financial survival, to name a few. Each class stands alone so that one may join at any point. Please sign up at
GrowTrack Room | Teresa Swann, Shawn Stemm, Study Guide $20
GriefShare is a special place for people to interact with others who also are grieving the loss of someone close, led by people who know what you feel. Each session includes a video seminar, discussion, and prayer. As each session is a separate topic for healing, you are welcome to start any week. Please sign up at
Mezzanine 4 | Ioni Castillo, Alex Ogle, Cynthia Foster, Study Guide $20
Everyone gets angry - whether it is directed inward or vented on another. An unhealthy approach to anger is harmful to you and your relationships. This support group will work through understanding the difference and will include regular speakers on sources of anger and paths to healing. This group is suitable for anyone, as it clarifies our personal boundaries and the lies we believe about ourselves and others, while focusing on hope and healing in Christ.
Mezzanine 3 | Susan Given, Paula Oggero, Study Guide $10 (women only)
In The 5 Love Languages, Dr. Gary Chapman offers powerful insights tailored specifically to women facing challenging dynamics in their relationships. This guide helps readers identify their own love language, providing practical tools to foster deeper connection and understanding. Dr. Chapman addresses everyday struggles with compassion and wisdom, offering strategies to bridge emotional gaps and rekindle intimacy. Whether seeking to improve communication, resolve conflict, or strengthen your bond, this book is a valuable resource for navigating difficult relationships with love and empathy.
FIT-4-LIFE – Natural Health Class
Portable 30 | Flora Price
Fit-4-Life is a class that covers natural health topics to keep people focused on looking and feeling better through proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
Sundays @ 9:30 AM
Family Life Center Room 116 | Paul and Karen Wallace
This class alternates between New Testament and Old Testament studies. A discussion format is used, emphasizing relating biblical truths to everyday life. Many class members actively participate in church ministries, outreaches, and mission trips. Also, we have small group meetings in members' homes, which allow for the building and strengthening of relationships.
All ages welcome.
Family Life Center Room 104/Sala De Oración | Carlos Castillo
La Palabra de Dios es rica en bendiciones, nos guía, redarguye, 0alienta, nos prepara, nos da todas las herramientas necesarias para vivir nuestra vida agradando a Dios. Sin la Biblia andamos a ciegas en la vida actual. Tenemos que vivir una realidad ahora, pero con una perspectiva real … conociendo a Dios a través de la Biblia.
Te invitando en familia a estudiar juntos la Sagrada Escrituras.
(The perfect community for imperfect couples.)
Mezzanine 8 | Trevor and Karen Booker, Leesha Whitfield (Class begins at 9:15)
Every marriage is unique, expressed by the colorful personalities of each spouse and textured by the circumstances at play in their lives. Blending these to make marriage work is a divinely inspired art form – challenging to master, but worth the effort. This class includes weekly group discussion prompts, date night ideas, and questions and discussion topics so you can learn from your peers’ experiences while figuring out what works for your relationship.
Sundays @ 10:45 AM
Chapel | Dorene Royal
DO YOU LOVE TO TRAVEL? Tour with us (virtually) as we travel almost 10,000 miles and visit 50+ cities (and even take a Mediterranean cruise!) with the Apostle Paul on his multiple journeys from Jerusalem to Rome. View on-screen the cities he visited as they appear both now and then. Re-live his adventures, miracles, messages, mishaps, and what the Holy Spirit’s unction can do as we study the life of this former "killer of Christians." And…all without leaving your comfortable seat! Can you swim? You will be shipwrecked. Beaten. Starved. Betrayed. Imprisoned. Even bitten by a viper. Follow a man with the zeal to devote his life to the one thing he sought to destroy…Christianity. And perhaps that zeal will be catching?
Mezzanine 1 | Richard Cooke
Faith is far more than a belief system; it infuses all parts of life. Our faith is seen in the way we live our day-to-day lives: what we do, what we talk about, and how we respond to circumstances. God's Word, the Bible, has an answer for every situation we face. Join us each week for exciting topics and subjects, lively discussions, group participation, and a powerful prayer time with great people. Our goal and desire is to help you discover God's direction for your life!
All adult ages welcome.
Family Life Center Room 118 | Mike and Charlotte Fiddelke
If you are looking for a Sunday School class that offers Bible study, lively group discussion, in-home socials, and friendship that moves past the superficial, this may be the class for you. This winter, we will study the book of Acts. We aim to grow spiritually and make a difference for Christ in our sphere of influence. If you think Bible study is tedious, we invite you to visit us and find out how relevant and exciting God's Word is. All ages welcome.
Family Life Center Room 116 | Dr. Michael VanDoren
This class offers in-depth Bible instruction from a former SEU professor, everyday life application, and creative discussion. Our class is friendly; we believe in supporting, encouraging, and praying for one another. Join us as we study the book of Revelation each Sunday. Additionally, you will be kept updated with newsletters and an e-blast.
GrowTrack Room | Teaching Team
GrowTrack is a three-week experience for anyone interested in taking the next step in their journey with God. Whether you want to learn more about God, or get connected in the church through volunteering, GrowTrack will help you discover your God-given purpose and equip you to make a difference in your community and the world! GrowTrack happens every month in three consecutive Sundays. You are invited to jump in any week. For more information, please visit the Information Center or call the Connections Office.
Women's Bible Studies
STUDY: ABIDE by Jennifer Rothschild
NEW! GrowTrack Room | Carla Bryan & Women’s Ministry Team, Study Guide $20
Are you seeking deeper intimacy with God and a more profound understanding of His Word? Jennifer Rothschild’s Abide is here to guide you on that transformative journey. In this engaging study, Jen Wilkin invites you to explore the richness of Scripture and the call to live out your faith with authenticity and purpose. Abide is designed to help you experience the fullness of God's presence in your everyday life through the lens of 1, 2, and 3 John. Through insightful teachings, thought-provoking questions, and practical application, you’ll learn to abide in Jesus and let His words shape and sustain your life.
Thursdays, 9:30 AM – VESSELS OF THE WORD
NEW! STUDY: The Book of Acts
GrowTrack Room | Jan Mingee & Joy Biggers
Please join us as we study the Book of Acts, the impact that receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit had on the disciples and New Testament believers, and how the Lord wants to enrich our lives today with the power of His Spirit! This in-depth study of God’s Word will change your life! Please join us as we study and pray together.
Men's Bible Studies
Family Life Center Room 116 | Men’s Leadership Team
In HONORBOUND, you will find fellowship, new friends, support, and encouragement. Please join us as we start a new study called, “Be a Godly Man” by Joby Martin. God has designed men to be protectors, providers, and defenders. When men act like “Godly Men” everyone flourishes. Also, each week you will find men you can rely on for godly counsel who have experienced the complex challenges you may be going through and a group of men who will pray with you.
Prayer Groups
Men’s Prayer – Tuesdays, 7 AM
Chapel – Pastor Glenn Procopio
Women’s Intercessory Prayer – Wednesdays, 10 AM
GrowTrack Room – Ruth Heiple
Vessels of the Word – Thursdays, 9:30 AM
GrowTrack Room – Jan Mingee & Joy Biggers
Praying Mothers – Wednesdays, 5 PM
Chapel Bridal Suite – Carla Bryan
Heal Our Land – Sundays, 4-6 PM, Conference Call
1-720-650-3030 dial 231-9303# | Terri Steinmetz and Marilyn Burgess
Senior Adult Ministry
Light of Lights Chapel | Pastor Glenn Procopio, Chaplain Richard & Deborah Cooke
Friday’s AdultPlus Chapel is the highlight of the week for many of our senior adults. Our worship is designed just for seniors and features excellent old hymns and traditional favorites. Plus, there's great Bible preaching, fellowship, special guest concerts, and we have a lot of fun! In addition, our AdultPlus seniors are an active group enjoying regular trips and activities.
For more information and event photos, go to our AdultPlus Facebook page,, or our Ministry webpage at
Kids & Students
Victory Kids exists to teach kids of all ages the ways of Jesus as we discover His amazing love and unending compassion. Each week, we gather to explore this story and invite our kids to enter into it – following the ways of Jesus by joining the work that God is doing – and entering in to the incredible story that He is telling.
Numerous classes for various age groups are available and are sure to provide solid teaching, authentic worship, and a loving community for your child.
Visit for schedule and age-specific information.
Victory Student Church (VSC) consists of middle school through high school–age students who are committed to loving both God and one another.
Visit for schedule and age–specific information.
Register for an on-campus class.
Register for a support group.