News at Victory Church
Kids Club Volunteer Sign-Up - Fall 2022
Looking for the greatest place for kids throughout Lakeland? For over 20 years, Kids' Club has been visiting local neighborhoods to share their positive message with every child they find. Incredible volunteers spend time laughing, playing games, singing, and sharing great lessons with at-risk boys and girls from K-5th Grade. Throughout the school year, Pastor Teresa Swann and her dedicated team visit local neighborhoods on weekday afternoons in the decked-out Kids Club truck. Then, on Saturdays, bus loads of Kids are brought to the Dream Center for another great celebration.
Join us for an informational meeting on Sunday, August 20, or Sunday, August 27 to learn more about how you can volunteer to be a part of this amazing ministry. The meeting will be held in Portable Room 16 on the North Campus of Victory Church from 10:15 to 10:45 AM.
The Dream Center of Lakeland
635 W 5th St., Lakeland, FL 33805
or call 863-413-0088