A multi-generational church in Lakeland, Florida, with weekly gatherings that focus on teaching the Bible and offering a healthy community for every season of life.
Sunday Series
Hebrews 11 highlights many individuals who were used by God in extraordinary ways. They were not perfect—far from it. In fact, they struggled and faced setbacks, yet despite their imperfections they fulfilled the purpose God had for them. They were, in every sense, Uncommon Heroes! What do their stories have to do with ours? More than we might think. In this Sunday message series, we’ll uncover how the same God who worked through them can take our flaws, past wounds, and broken moments and transform them into something remarkable. No matter where we’ve been or what we’ve faced, He can bring purpose and power to our journey!

Featured Events

AdultPlus Breakfast Club, January 2025
Monday, February 17, 2025 8:30am
Those 60+ are invited to this month’s AdultPlus Breakfast Club happening Monday, February 17, from 8:30-9:45 AM, in room 116 of the Family Life Center at Victory’s North Lakeland Campus. Enjoy a delicious FREE Chick-fil-A breakfast meal and an incredibly informative session featuring multiple special guests

Light for the Lost Missions Banquet 2023
Monday, February 24, 2025 6:30pm
Our annual Light for the Lost missions banquet is coming up on Monday, February 24, at 6:30 PM! This unique evening is an opportunity for you to hear a powerful update of what God is doing around the world from guest speaker, Joseph Gordon.