The Daily Walk

Study Through the Bible in 2024

The Daily Walk includes devotion and Bible readings for each day of the year and informative charts and insights that will help you understand more as you read from Genesis to Revelation in 2024.

July 16-31, 2024
July 16

Isaiah 9-12

Judah’s Prince of Peace

Key Passage: Isaiah 8–9

Walk Thru the Bible


Isaiah’s family life becomes an eloquent testimony to the trustworthiness of his prophecies (8:18). His firstborn son, Maher-shalal-hash-baz, acts as a constant reminder of the Assyrian threat upon Jerusalem (8:1-4). But in the face of “distress and darkness and fearful gloom” (8:22), Isaiah proclaims a note of hope: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light” (9:2). There is coming a Child whose names instill hope and confidence: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Though shadows of judgment darken the horizon, the redeemed ones can sing His praises for the ultimate victory is sure.

Your Daily Walk

No more tragic summary of a general’s life could ever be penned than this: “He won the battle but lost the war.” In war, as in the Christian life, the ultimate outcome depends not on who wins every battle but rather on who wins the final battle. One setback does not mean the war has been lost.

As Isaiah looked at the prophetic horizon, he saw defeat and destruction for his nation. The battle would be lost. Judah would fall because of her pride and wickedness. But the war would not be lost. Messiah, the Prince of Peace, the Righteous Branch of Jesse, would come to turn seeming defeat into victory.

Think about the prophetic future of your nation, and then list the trends you observe spiritually, morally, and politically. It looks pretty bleak, doesn’t it? Now, across your list, write the last half of 12:6: “Great is the Holy One of Israel among you.” As in Isaiah’s day, the future is as bright as the promises of God.

Insight - The Open Road

As mentioned in Isaiah 9:1, the Via Maris (“the Way of the Sea”) originated in Egypt and followed the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea north. It turned inland across the Carmel Ridge at Megiddo, passed through the Valley of Jezreel, and continued to Damascus, giving both armies and caravans access to the great empires of the ancient world.


July 17

Isaiah 13-16

Judgment on Babylon and Moab

Key Passage: Isaiah 13

Walk Thru the Bible


God’s kingdom is worldwide, and so is His judgment. Moving out from the borders of his nation, Isaiah aims his verbal missiles at Judah’s pagan neighbors for their interference in God’s program of righteousness. A hundred years before Babylon’s rise to prominence, Isaiah predicts that the empire’s role was first as an oppressor, then as oppressed. The same judgment awaits Assyria, Philistia, and Moab—enemies that would be broken in their apparent moments of victory.

Your Daily Walk

In baseball, if a batter connects for a hit only three times in ten, he is called a good hitter. How often did an Old Testament prophet have to “connect” with his prophecies to be called a good prophet (see Deuteronomy 18:20-22)?

Isaiah devoted chapter 13 to the “Rise and Fall of the Babylonian Empire.” How was his prophetic batting average?

Isaiah predicted that Babylon’s destruction would come from a far country, not a neighboring power (v. 5). Babylon fell in 539 B.C. to a warring people living 350 miles east of Babylon.

Isaiah predicted the name of that conquering nation: Media (v. 17), a fact that history confirms.

Isaiah predicted Babylon's permanent extinction (vv. 19-22). The site has been deserted since the 4th century B.C.

Isaiah predicted that even the nomadic Arabians would avoid once-mighty Babylon (v. 20). Ever since, the desolate site has been regarded with superstitious dread by Arabian bedouins.

If Isaiah’s God-given prophecies are that trustworthy, what does that tell you about Isaiah’s God? Take one of your burdens to the Lord right now and leave it there. You’ll be glad you did.

Insight - Burdens, Burdens Everywhere

Chapters 13-23 contain a long list of burdens—oracles of divine judgment upon offending nations. As such, they form a fitting interlude between Isaiah’s predictions of the Assyrian invasion (chapters 1-12) and the onset of that invasion (chapters 28-39).


July 18

Isaiah 17-20

Judgment on Ethiopia and Egypt

Key Passage: Isaiah 17, 19

Walk Thru the Bible


Damascus, Ethiopia, and Egypt next feel the chastening strokes from Isaiah’s prophetic pen. The glory of Damascus would be removed, leaving behind leanness of body and soul. But a handful would repent and, like the last gleanings from an olive tree, provide hope for a future harvest. Ethiopia’s people would be pruned away like branches and would fall in battle. But one day, they would come to Zion and pay homage to God, acknowledging Him as their Sovereign. Egypt would experience civil war, economic ruin, and spiritual poverty, showing the bankruptcy of Egypt’s false gods.

Your Daily Walk

With the help of an atlas or map of the world, answer the following questions:

  1. Can you locate Babylon? Why not? (13:19-20)
  2. Can you locate Moab? Why not? (15:1)
  3. Can you locate Ethiopia? Why? (18:1, 5, 7)
  4. Can you locate Egypt? Why? (19:1, 4, 16, 24)

God is not merely in the business of casting down nations; He also sustains them, chastens them, purifies them, and prepares them for the worldwide role He has for them to play.

To say that God chastens and purifies Ethiopia, Egypt, Australia, or America is to say that God chastens and purifies Ethiopians, Egyptians, Australians, and Americans. The process is seldom pleasant, but it is always beneficial.

Think of your life as if it were a tree. Have you been drawing deeply from the nutrients of God’s Word? Are there “branches” of your life that need pruning? If Isaiah began a chapter, “An oracle concerning you,” how would it read? Take the words of 17:7 and let them guide you to the response God desires from you right now.

Insight - A Noisy Shadow (18:1)

Ethiopia is a land “of whirring wings.” The Hebrew term is similar to the word tsetse, imitating the sound of buzzing insects.


July 19

Isaiah 21-23

Judgment on Jerusalem and Tyre

Key Passage: Isaiah 21

Walk Thru the Bible


Even in the midst of declaring prophecies of doom and destruction, Isaiah’s heart breaks for the guilty nations involved. Babylon, “the Desert by the Sea,” will be crushed by the Media, causing Isaiah heartache and dismay. Doomed men are never a pretty picture, and, for Isaiah, Babylon has become more than simply a vision of death row. The same holds true for Jerusalem. Though her coming judgment is richly deserved, Isaiah finds it difficult to divorce himself from the grim fate of his countrymen. The prophet can draw meager comfort from God’s promise that the coming judgment will not happen during Isaiah’s lifetime (22:14).

Your Daily Walk

For the next 60 seconds, go to the nearest window and count the number of people you see from your vantage point. Now ask yourself this question: “How many of those people do I really care about?”

The faceless crowd has become a common and accepted part of life on this planet. It is often so easy to become calloused, indifferent, and unmoved by the lost condition of those around you. Isaiah knew that one of the best ways to develop a passion for souls is to ponder the destiny of lost men and women. Where are they going? And what awaits them there if no one cares enough to confront them with God’s love and their own lostness?

The thought of judgment coming upon his countrymen caused Isaiah to bow in prayer and then move into action. What about you? You can go back to the window for another minute to pray for those you count. You cannot reach them all, but can you reach one today? Ask God to give you boldness and a door of opportunity to do precisely that.

Insight - God’s Plan and Purpose

Prophets such as Isaiah served at least four purposes: They pointed out the people’s immoral condition, called the nation back to the law of Moses, warned of coming judgment, and predicted the coming of the Messiah.


July 20/21

Isaiah 24-27

Judgment Turned to Jubilation

Key Passage: Isaiah 26–27

Walk Thru the Bible


For the last 11 chapters, Isaiah has been looking at his world through a magnifying glass, targeting devastating judgments for specific nations. But in today’s section, he steps back to survey the prophetic landscape with a telescope, and what he sees causes him to respond in jubilation. Earth and heaven alike experience God’s sifting judgment. The redeemed ones, vindicated at last, break forth in spontaneous song, exalting the Lord of the universe. Though often downcast and downtrodden, the people of God now truly have something worth singing about refuge, deliverance, and ultimate triumph in the Holy One of Israel. Is that the song on your lips today?

Your Daily Walk

The dictionary defines crisis as “the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or time of distress.” Using this definition, find a news magazine and circle the headlines of at least 10 crises in the world today.

Isaiah 24-27 has been called “Isaiah’s Apocalypse,” for in it, you will read of the ultimate downfall of earthly enemies, angelic hosts (24:21), and even death itself (25:8). The theme of the section is judgment, but permeating nearly every paragraph is a note of joy: singing by the remnant of God’s people (24:14-16); gladness for God’s greatness (chapter 25); and praise for the praiseworthy God of Zion (chapter 26). Truly, God’s people are blessed, even in times of crisis.

What is your attitude as you face today's crises? Is your countenance as glum as the news? Or can you smile and sing in the midst of the storm, knowing Who allows the winds to blow? Place the words “Smile—You have something to smile about!” in a prominent place. Let them remind you as you face each new challenge today that victory is already assured.

Insight - What Do You Get at a Feast of Rich Food?

The “rich food” Isaiah refers to in 25:6 are choice dishes prepared with olive oil and bone marrow—the most desirable items of food to the ancient Near Eastern palate.

July 22

Isaiah 28-30

Woe on Israel and Judah

Key Passage: Isaiah 28

Walk Thru the Bible


Like lightning crackling in the distance, Isaiah’s prophecies begin to focus on the ominous approach of the Assyrian armies. Ephraim (the northern kingdom) reels like a drunkard, oblivious to the danger and falsely confident in the armies of Egypt to deliver her in time of trouble. But there will be no such deliverance. Ariel (Jerusalem, symbol of the southern kingdom) stands next in line for judgment if her citizens follow Ephraim’s sorry example by relying upon Egypt for protection.

Your Daily Walk

Which of the following calamities have you have experienced in your lifetime:

  • Sat in a chair that collapsed under your weight.
  • Had a flat tire on a busy street.
  • Loaned something of value and had it lost or damaged.
  • Set the alarm clock for 6 a.m., and it rang at 8 a.m.

What do these traumas in everyday life have in common? They are all examples of misplaced confidence. You put your trust in an object (such as a chair or a tire or an alarm clock) and it let you down. Or you relied on another person who failed you.

Isaiah warned both Ephraim and Ariel not to trust in the armies of Egypt, for they will fail. He told them to trust in the Lord for He will never fail. Heedless of the prophet’s warnings, the nations misplaced their trust—and felt the sting of God’s discipline.

Are you in danger of doing the same? See if you can complete this sentence in 10 different ways: “Today, I am trusting God for...” If you have difficulty coming up with 10, perhaps a good deal of your trust is in objects and people. What needs to change in order to make God the One you lean upon?

Insight - Feeling the Full Force of Judgment (28:19-20)

The coming judgment upon Jerusalem would be so severe that beds and blankets would run out, and even the news of what God was doing would bring sheer terror to the listeners’ ears.

July 23

Isaiah 31-35

Wait for the Coming King

Key Passage: Isaiah 33

Walk Thru the Bible


As Isaiah continues to study the prophetic horizon, he sees more than coming calamity. True, the prospects are not pleasant for the rebellious people of God. But there is also a coming King who will bring peace like a river, freedom for the captives, justice for those suffering oppression, and judgment upon heaven and earth. In the light of His sure coming, the people of God are urged to watch and wait patiently, expectantly, and purposefully. Their redemption is nigh!

Your Daily Walk

Picture this scene: You quietly enter your church and wait for the prelude to the worship service to begin. But to your surprise, a brass band bursts through the doors playing a rousing march.

The prelude sets the mood for what is to follow. A good prelude does not draw attention to itself, but rather prepares the listener for what is to come. In the same way, Isaiah’s prelude of pain (chapters 31-35) prepares the people of God for the consolation that follows (chapters 40-66). The Lord is both Sovereign and Savior. Those who deny His strength will have difficulty accepting His salvation.

Can you think of a way that each of the following attributes of God acts as a prelude to what He wants to do in your life?

  • God’s creative power (Psalm 19:1-3) prepares me to learn that __________.
  • God’s infinite knowledge (Psalm 139:1-6) gives me the confidence that __________.
  • God’s perfect holiness (Isaiah 1:18) warns me of the importance of __________.

Insight - Don’t Bet on the Horses

In biblical times horses were owned only by the rich. The average Hebrew used the more sturdy donkey or ox for travel and plowing. In general, the horse was a “weapon” of war and represented military power. For this reason God repeatedly warned the Israelites not to place their confidence in nations with horses and chariots (Isaiah 31:1), but rather in Him alone.

July 24

Isaiah 36-39

Historical Interlude—Hezekiah

Key Passage: Isaiah 36–37

Walk Thru the Bible


Isaiah the prophet becomes Isaiah the historian during chapters 36–39. Two major historical events dominate the narrative: the attempted invasion of Judah by the Assyrian army in 701 B.C., and the critical illness that threatened King Hezekiah’s life. The taunts of the Assyrian invaders are turned into cries of anguish and retreat as 185,000 die at the hand of the angel of the Lord—a direct answer to Hezekiah’s specific prayer. God answers another of Hezekiah’s prayers by extending his life 15 years. But by using those extra years for selfish pursuits rather than for God’s purposes, Hezekiah seals the fate of his nation. The stage is set for Babylon to conquer and carry off the people of Judah, bringing down the curtain on God’s judgment.

Your Daily Walk

No one likes to be ridiculed for taking a stand. But as the apostle Paul warned young Timothy, “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12). As a Christian called upon to stand for God in a godless world, you may find yourself asked to swallow the bitter pill of ridicule—and to swallow it regularly.

It happened to Hezekiah and his countrymen. Jeered by the Assyrian hordes and belittled for their faith in God, the people of Judah had the last laugh. Through it all they learned that ridicule means little when you know the great God of heaven.

Has the thought of ridicule or verbal abuse stopped you from taking a stand for God? Have you avoided suggesting an office Bible study or evangelistic house party in your neighborhood because of the fear of what others might say? Take a tip from Hezekiah: You’re on the winning team!

Insight - Rats, Foiled Again!

Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian, cites instances of mice infestations in Assyria. Perhaps the deadly overnight destruction brought by the angel of the Lord was bubonic, and thus ironic.

July 25

Isaiah 40-43

Comfort for God’s People

Key Passage: Isaiah 40, 42

Walk Thru the Bible


The Book of Isaiah has been likened to a miniature Bible, its 66 chapters paralleling the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. The first 39 chapters of Isaiah, like the 39 books of the Old Testament, proclaim judgment upon sinful humanity. God’s patience is great, but He will not allow persistent sin to go unpunished. Beginning with today’s section, the final 27 chapters of Isaiah, like the 27 books of the New Testament, proclaim a message of comfort and hope. The Messiah is coming to be the Savior of sinful people. Therefore, “ ‘Comfort, comfort my people,’ says your God” (40:1).

Your Daily Walk

What would need to happen for you to feel totally comfortable? What would need to change about your finances, your job security, your relationships with other people, your health, your appearance, or your academic performance before you would be able to relax and feel totally at ease without a worry in the world?

“I’d have to have all my bills paid.” But what about the new ones that will certainly arrive tomorrow? “I’d have to have a fortune in the bank.” But what if the bank went bankrupt and you lost it all? “I’d have to enjoy perfect health.” But what if you were in an accident and lost your ability to work?

The measure of your comfort will always be the measure of your confidence in God. For Isaiah to declare “Comfort” after 39 chapters of judgment would seem ludicrous—unless you recall Who is providing the comfort. Write the first five verses of chapter 40 on a notecard, and put it under your pillow tonight. When you wake up tomorrow, let it be the first comforting thought of your day. God will go before you all day—so relax and enjoy His presence.

Insight - The Thoroughly Comfortable Chapters (40-66)

Though the idea of comfort is found only twice in the first 39 chapters (12:1; 22:4), you will find it numerous times in the rest of the book (40:1-2; 49:13; 51:3, 12, 19; 52:9; 54:11; 57:18; 61:2; 66:13).

July 26

Isaiah 44-48

Impotent Idols and Omnipotent God

Key Passage: Isaiah 44–45

Walk Thru the Bible


In an amazing collection of specific prophecies, Isaiah foretells which agent of comfort God will use in delivering His people (Cyrus, king of Persia), and the means of comfort God will employ (destruction of idolatrous Babylon). Isaiah taunts those who would put their trust in mere images of stone or wood. From the same piece of wood, a workman fashions gods to be worshiped and logs to be burned (chapter 44). By contrast, the God of Israel writes history in advance, predicting kings by name centuries before their birth! Is it any wonder God declares, “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me” (46:9)? Is it any wonder God calls forth judgment upon Babylon—or upon anyone who would dare to substitute trees and rocks for the omnipotent Lord of Hosts, the holy One of Israel?

Your Daily Walk

Idolatry is such a harsh sounding word. It’s a good thing God’s people don’t struggle with idolatry today—do they?

What is idolatry, really? One commentator defines it this way: “Idolatry is anything that comes between you and God.” Using that definition, an uncomfortably long list of things could potentially fall into the category of becoming idols:

  • Television
  • Clothes
  • Your job
  • Your car
  • Your sweetheart
  • Your Spouse
  • Your child
  • Your ambition
  • Eating
  • Golfing
  • Skiing
  • (You fill in the blank) __________

Pick one item from the above list, and ask yourself the question: “Is this thing drawing me toward God or away from Him?” Then do what Isaiah 46:8-9, 12 suggests.

Insight - Would the Real Servant Please Stand Up?

When you find the word servant in Isaiah, pay close attention to the context. The word can refer to any of the following four, and you must carefully decide: Is it David (37:35); Isaiah (44:26); the nation of Israel (41:8-9); or the Messiah (49:5-6)?

July 27/28

Isaiah 49-51

Sufferer for God’s People

Key Passage: Isaiah 51

Walk Thru the Bible


For the people of God, the path of restoration is the path of servanthood and suffering. There is coming One who will pardon iniquity and restore righteousness to Zion. In contrast to the rebellion of Israel, this Servant will come willingly and humbly to offer Himself as a sacrifice for many (50:6). Therefore, the faithful ones are called upon to hearken to God’s voice (51:9, 17), for “righteousness draws near” (51:5).

Your Daily Walk

Take a sheet of paper and divide it in half. Now pretend for a moment that you can afford to hire a servant to do all the tasks you normally perform but find unpleasant. On the left side of your paper, list those tasks. On the right side, list the tasks you presently do that you would want to keep for yourself, even if you had a servant.

Chances are, the tasks you listed on the left side are menial and repetitive. They require fitting your schedule to someone else’s; they demand time, money, and inconvenience.

The remarkable thing about Isaiah’s depiction of the coming Messiah is this: Though Christ could have come with swords flashing and armies marching to impose His righteousness upon humanity, He chose instead to come as the Suffering Servant, allowing people to beat Him and shame Him (50:6), in order to show the full extent of His love. And the Supreme Servant calls all who would follow Him to a similar lifestyle of servanthood, demonstrating God’s love in action.

It’s easy to be served; it’s difficult to serve. But with God’s help, even the activities on the left side of your paper can become joy (rather than drudgery) in your life. Thank God for the opportunities He gives you each day to be a servant to others.

Insight - A Trilogy of Comforting Truths

The final 27 chapters of Isaiah form three 9-chapter “sections of solace”: The Deliverance of God’s People (40-48); The Deliverer of God’s People (49-57); and The Glory of God’s Delivered People (58-66).

July 29

Isaiah 52-57

Suffering on Behalf of God’s People

Key Passage: Isaiah 52–53

Walk Thru the Bible


Nowhere in the pages of the Old Testament will you see a clearer picture of the horrible price of your redemption than in the section you will read today. Meditate upon the many verses that show the anguish your Savior endured in paying the awful price of sin.

“His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man” (52:14).

“He was pierced...crushed...the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed” (53:5).

“The Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all” (53:6).

“He was cut off from the land of the living” (53:8).

“It was the Lord’s will to crush him....He poured out his life unto death...he bore the sin of many” (53:10, 12).

Your Daily Walk

Today’s passage contains the single most important piece of good news you will ever hear. It can be summarized in just three words: Incarnation, Redemption, Invitation.

Incarnation: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came in the flesh (53:2- 3), becoming all of God in a human body.

Redemption: He came to suffer and die, to make “his life a guilt offering” (53:10), to bear “the sin of many” (53:12).

Invitation: He stands ready to provide mercy and forgiveness for all who will respond. “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters” (55:1).

What have you done with the invitation of the Suffering Servant? Have you ignored it, rejected it, or accepted it? If you have never done so, take Him at His word today. Say yes to the One who died that you might live eternally.

Insight - A Servant Song in Five Stanzas

Think of 52:13–53:12 as a 15-verse song with five stanzas of three verses each. (Mark them in your Bible.) The Servant Song begins and ends with exaltation (stanzas 1 and 5), moves through rejection (stanzas 2 and 4), and climaxes in agony (stanza 3).

July 30

Isaiah 58-62

Judah’s Groans and Glory

Key Passage: Isaiah 59–60

Walk Thru the Bible


As Isaiah looks at his situation, there is little to commend it. Empty ritual, meaningless fasts, and broken fellowship mark the spiritual life of the nation. But like the first rays of sunlight after a storm, Isaiah catches a glimpse of the glorious future awaiting the people of God. A day is coming when darkness will be swept away, affliction will cease, “no longer will violence be heard in your land” (60:18), and the glad tidings of salvation shall be proclaimed throughout Zion. The desolate land shall be inhabited and prosperous, prompting praise to the ends of the earth that God has not forsaken His people after all. Groaning has indeed given way to glory.

Your Daily Walk

Have you ever built a bridge?

The priest in the Old Testament was instructed to do precisely that: build a bridge between holy God and sinful humanity. He did it through the offering of endless sacrifices, the blood of animals to cover the sins of a nation.

The nation of Israel was selected by God to be a bridge-builder to surrounding nations, to show by her lifestyle of faith that God rewards those “who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).

And the same job description has been passed down to you. As a Christian, you are to be salt in a decaying world, light in the midst of darkness, and a priest bringing people back to God (Matthew 5:13- 16; 1 Peter 2:9).

Think of today as a unique opportunity to build a bridge between a lost sinner and his loving God. Perhaps you can’t build an entire bridge in a single day, but you can begin that all-important process by your speech, conduct, and genuine concern about the life of another person.

Bridge-building. It’s time-consuming, costly—and worth it!

Insight - Glory in the Old, Glory in the New

With one Bible open to Isaiah 60, and another to Revelation 21, see how many similarities you can find between those two glory-filled chapters. There are nearly a dozen.

July 31

Isaiah 63-66

Judah’s Glorious Future

Key Passage: Isaiah 66

Walk Thru the Bible


In the light of present calamity and coming glory, there can be only one fitting response from God’s people: repentance for their pride and rebellion. “Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You are our potter; we all are the work of Your hands” (64:8). The twin themes that have dominated Isaiah’s message—condemnation and consolation—appear again in the concluding verses: “The Lord’s power will be revealed to His servants [consolation], but He will show His wrath against His enemies [condemnation]” (66:14). Therefore, “Let the Lord be glorified” (66:5).

Your Daily Walk

Congratulations! You have just completed reading the 1,292 verses of the Book of Isaiah, the fifth longest book in the Bible. As you conclude another month in this devotional guide, pause to consider what you have learned about the great God you worship and serve.

In Proverbs you learned that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, giving you the skill to make decisions that please God and that can keep you on the path He wants you to follow. In Ecclesiastes you learned that life’s possessions and pursuits will never fill the void that God alone can fill. In the Song of Songs you learned that your marriage relationship is to be a picture to the world of God’s selfless love for you. And in Isaiah you learned that God cannot allow sin to go unpunished. That’s why He sent His Son as the Suffering Servant.

Write the above paragraph on a postcard and mail it to yourself. When it arrives, pray those thoughts back to God as your daily commitment to make your choices, pursuits, and relationships pleasing to the Holy One who bought you with His blood.

Insight - Every Nation and Tongue

God has a place in the New Jerusalem for people from all nations and tongues. Isaiah 66:18-20 depicts people streaming to God’s holy mountain from “Tarshish,...the Libyans and Lydians,...Tubal and Greece, and...the distant islands.”

THE GOD Among Us As the prophet Isaiah’s warnings echoed through the homes and courtyards of Judah, few were listening. What God was saying through His prophet was not what the people wanted to hear. But deep within the warnings and indictments was an astonishing statement: God would one day come to earth.

Eight hundred years later, Jesus announced that He was God in the flesh who had come to pay for the sins of the world. He was the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies. Again, few were listening.

Yet the life of Jesus Christ fits Isa- iah’s profile of the “God who would come to earth.” The Anointed One would be:

  • a descendant of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1);
  • miraculously born of a virgin (7:14);
  • a miracle-worker (35:5);
  • wounded and bruised for us (53:5);
  • our sin bearer (53:12);
  • rejected by His people (53:3);
  • buried in a rich man’s tomb (53:9).

The overwhelming evidence points to Jesus as “God among us.” He came to bring us into a complete and satisfying relationship with God. Isaiah explains how Jesus would do this:

“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6).

Our sins separate us from a holy and righteous God. Christ’s death paid for our sins—past, present, and future. He now invites you into a relationship that will last beyond time. Why not trust in Jesus Christ as your only way to heaven?

If you want to speak to someone about a relationship with Jesus, call 863-859-6000.

July 1-15, 2024
June 16-30, 2024
June 1-15, 2024
May 16-31, 2024
May 1-15, 2024
April 16-30, 2024
April 1-16, 2024
March 16-31, 2024
March 1-15, 2024
February 16-29, 2024
Febuary 1-15, 2024
January 16-31, 2024
January 1-15, 2024