Events at Victory Church
Featured Events
Future Events
North Campus Baptism, 8.13.23
If you have decided to follow Jesus but have not yet been baptized, we invite you to be part of the Water Baptism celebration happening Sunday, August 13, at Victory's North Lakeland campus only.
Widow's Ministry "Summer Picnic"
If you are a widow, or would like to be a friend to a widow, you are invited to join us on Saturday, August 19, at Victory's North Campus Family Life Center, room 116, for a fun Summer picnic!
AdultPlus Breakfast, August 2023
Join us at the next AdultPlus Breakfast Meeting to hear from the team at Leading Edge Physical Therapy and Sports who will be sharing tips for “Staying Limber In Your Later Years!"
Girlfriends & Chocolate Women's Event
All ladies are invited to join us at the 2023 Girlfriends & Chocolate event, featuring a trio of guest speakers Tim and Kelley Blackburn, Craig and Rachael Butler, and Mark and Carla Hylton, on Saturday, August 26, at 9:30 AM.